Immature Magnificent Frigatebird: This picture was taken from the dock at Little Cayman Beach Resort. The bird would glide in the wind on one side of me and then switch to the other side. This lasted about two minutes. It was probably hoping I would throw it a fish.
Little Cayman
Red-footed Booby
Sand Island, Midway Atoll
Red-footed Booby
Eastern Island, Midway Atoll
Double-crested Cormorant
Naples, FL
Double-crested Cormorant
Monhegan Island, ME
Double-crested Cormorants (taken on a Birds-As-Art IPT)
Jamaica Bay, NY
Double-crested Cormorant in breeding plumage
Naples, FL
Double-crested Cormorant in breeding plumage
Naples, FL
Double-crested Cormorant in breeding plumage
Naples, FL
Double-crested Cormorant in breeding plumage
Naples, FL
Immature Double-crested Cormorant with a fishhook in its neck
Naples, FL
Immature Double-crested Cormorant: this bird had an identical injury on both sides of its face.
Naples, FL
Immature Double-crested Cormorant
Naples, FL
Great Cormorant
Sandy Hook, NJ
Great Cormorants
Sandy Hook, NJ
Male Anhinga with fish
Corkscrew Swamp, FL
Female Anhinga with a fish
Naples, FL
Female Anhinga on the nest
Naples, FL
White Pelican (non-breeding)
Ding Darling, Sanibel Island, FL
Immature Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Diving Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Diving Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Diving Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Feeding Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Feeding Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Feeding Brown Pelican
Naples, FL
Feeding Brown Pelican
Naples, FL