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Lt. Francis Peabody

Lt. Francis Peabody

Male 1612 - 1698  (86 years)

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  • Name Francis Peabody  [1, 2
    Prefix Lt. 
    Born 1612  England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Immigration 1635  Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • He traveled by himself on the Planter and was listed as Husbandman 21 years old.
    Will 20 Jan 1690 
    • Francis' will:
      The Last Will & Testament of Lieut: Francis Pebody of Topsfield in y* county of Es[sex] [in] Newe England: I Francis Pebody taking into consideration the uncertainty of my life and certainty of my death being of perfect understanding & memory have seen good to m[ake] such a disposall of the temporall estate which God of his grace hath given me in this w[orld] as followeth, —
      Impr. I committ my immortall soul into the hands of God & my body to a decent buriall [when] God shall take me out of this world
      Secundo I give to my son John Pebody & Joseph Pebody all that tract of Land which I bought of marchant Joseph Juett of Rowly which Land lyeth in Boxford, I give to my son J. . . . two thirds of y* aforesaid tract of Land & to my son Joseph y* other third which I give to them & to their Heirs for ever & moreover I do give to them both in c[ountrey] pay (not mony) five pounds to each of them, y* is five pounds apiece, besides what I have already given them
      Item, I do give to my son William Pebody all that Land which I bought of John Tod Sen"" [of] Rowly & of John Perley (excepting one hundred acres) which land I do give to him & his Heirs for ever, more.over I do give to him five pounds besides what he hath [. . .] me aheady, which I do the rather on consideration of his being (by y' providence of God) deprived of y^ use of one of his arms, w*^ five pounds is to be paid as is above specified
      Item I do give to my son in Law Daniell Wood That hundred acres of Land which is above excepted to my son WiUiam & is aheady in part possessed by my son in [law] Daniel Wood which said Land I do give to him & to his Heirs for ever it be[ing] in consideration of what I was oblidged to do for him when come to age & pro[vided] y' he shall be satisfyed therewith on y' account & give a discharge thereof to such [. . .] shall concern Which Land I have already promised & do purpose forthwith to [give] him a deed of in a way of firm conveyance in which deed I shall bound. . . . Limit y' aforesaid hundred acres accordingly
      Item I do give to my son Isaac Pebody all the land y' I do now hve upon which I bou[ght] of Mr. Simons & my will is y* my son Isaac shall have all y* said Land which lyeth on [ye] south side of y' brook running through the said farm both upland & meadow so bo[unded] I give to my son Isaac Pebody together w* my dwelling house & housing, orchard, mill millyard w' all y* I bought of William Evans & moreover I give to my son Isaac from [the] bridge all y* meadow downward on y* north east side of y* brook w" runneth through . . . Tho: Dormans meadow: as also I do give to my son Isaac a Rod & half of upland ... to y* aforesaid meadow all along for y* bringing of his hay from time to time w*^*" afore [named] Land I do give to my son Isaac & to his Heirs forever, together w' seventy acres of Land . . . y* south side if y* River, neer to y' dwelling of Joseph Town Jun, Also I give to my son [Isaac] that bed with the furniture thereunto belonging which he now hath y" improvement [of] & this I would have noted, That I have given y* more to my son Isaac on consideration [of] y* providence of God disinabling him by y* loss of one of his Leggs
      Item I do give to my Grand child Jacob Pebody (y* son of my son Jacob Pebody deceased) y* h[ouse] which his father dwelt in together with all y'' upland on y' side of y* brook y' is on . . . North side of y* aforesaid brook, as also all y* meadow on y' same side of y' brook . . . y* bridge & so upward, my will is y' in case my said Grandchild Jacob Pebody do [live] to y* age of twenty one years y* then he shall have as is above said to injoy himselfe . . . his Heirs for ever, But in Case y* said Jacob live not to y* age y* then any of my other [. . .] shall have liberty to have y* land & house abovesaid provided y' he or they shall [. . .] to my grandchildren Kezia & Mercy Pebody y* children of my son Jacob Pebody deceased an hundred and twenty pounds in common currant pay (not silver) notwithstanding ... is abovesaid in case y* said Jacob should have issue before he should arrive at y* aforesaid age y* y* said Land shall be at y* disposall of y* abovesaid Jacob Pebody together [. . .] aforesaid. Also I do give to my grandchildren Kezia & Mercy Pebody y* children of [my] son Jacob deceased I do give to each of them Thirty acres of Land apiece, provided th[at] [they] shall live to y' age of eighteen years, which Threescore acres of Land Lyeth on y' south s[ide] of y* River in y* south-west Division beyond m' Endicotts farm in y' place called y* stick[y] meadow which Land abovesaid I bought part of Deacon Tho Perkins about thirty [acres] & about thirty more which I bought of Daniell Dorman, but in Case of neither of y* chi[ldren] Kezia or Mercy shall live to y* age of eighteen y* then y* abovesaid Thirty acres apiece shall return to my next & immediate children to be equally divided amongst them [but] in Case one of y* said grandchildren live to y* age & not y'
      other that then y^ whole Threescore acres shall fall to y' surviver of them
      Item I give to my son Nathaniell Pebody together with my Grandchild Samson How a[ll] that four hundred acres which I bought of m' Stephen Sewall Lying in Rowly village called Boxford which land lyeth near Bradford & was formerly m' Nelsons of Rowly. My will is y' my son Nathaniell shall have three hundred & Samson How ye other hundred acres which for quantity and quahty y* aforesaid Samson How shall have y' said Hundred acres provided y* y* said Samson How shall be at my despose till y'^ age of twenty[one] years But in Case my son Nathaniell shall dye without LawfuU Issue that then y* above said three hundred acres shall fall to my other children by equall devision, his widdow notwithstanding injoying y* benefit thereof during hfe & as to his moveable estate which he is already in possession of I leave it all to be at his y' is my son Nathaniells despose here is to be understood y* what shall be left undesposed of by my son Nathaniell at his death of his three hundred acres shall be for y* use of his widdow during her life as abovesaid y* is y* life of her widdowhood.
      I do reserve for Mary my wife y* South End of my house for her Use to live in as also y* New Cellar as also y^ Use of two milch Cows which she shall choose out of my milch kine, Also my will is y* my son Isaac shall pay to my wife Mary yearly twenty bushells of Indian Come, four bushells of wheat, four of rye & six of malt, also y' my wife have liberty to keep two or three swine, as also yearly haU a dozen pounds of wool, also my will is y* my wife shal have pasture for her cowes with my son Isaacs as also y' my son Isaac shall provide fodder for them in y* winter. As also my wife shall have Liberty for an horse to ride on as she shall have occasion. Also my will is y* in Case my wife shall marry again y* then all y* priviledges abovesaid shall cease, but during her widowhood she shal also have (as benefit by my orchard) yearly a barrell of Cidar as also som apples as her occasions either in the summer or winter shall require, Moreover my wife shall have y* use & despose of two beds together with needful firewood provided for her for which end she shall have y* use of such of my oxen as shall be needfull. Also I do order y' Samson How shall five with my wife till he shall come to y* age of twenty one years & be at her Command to be helpful to her on all accounts as she shall have occasion & in case Samson How shall be taken away by his father before he shall have served as abovesaid y' then my wife shall have that hundred acres of land abovesaid (given Conditionally to y* said Samson) to provide for herself such help as shall be necessary. & in Case my wife shall dy before y* said Samson How shall arrive at y' aforesaid term of years y' then he shall be at my wives despose to whom she shall see good & in case y' said Samson will not comply with such despose y' then y* said hundred acres of land intended for him shall be at my wives despose
      Item I give to my daughter Lydia Perley five pounds besides what she hath already had of me
      I do give to my daughter Mary Death five pounds besides what she hath had already
      I do give to my daughter Sarah How five pounds besides what she hath had already
      I do give to my daughter Hephzibah Ray five pounds besides what she hath had already all which Legacies ordered to my Children I do appoint to be paid in common currant pay as is before specified to others of my children
      Note y* what Legacies I do here give in my will shall be paid by my executors out of my estate which I do leave in my son Isaac hands & to my wives, as corn or Cattell &c my debts & funeral expences being discharged.
      And finaly. I do appoint, Constitute & ordain my wife Mary to be an executrix together with my son John Pebody & Isaac Pebody as executors of this my last will & testament & in Case after Legacies paid there be any estate left to be devided y' it shall be desposed of in a way of devision as my executrix together w' executors shall see good.
      That what is here above written is y* last will & Testament of y* abovesaid Francis Pebody appears by his own hand & seal y' day & Date here mentioned as also by y* testimony of y^ witnesses hereunto subscribed
      The above said premises were signed & sealed & declared to be y* last will & Testament of y^ said Francis Pebody y" twentieth day of January in y' year o f our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninety & five or six, in presence of
      Joseph Capen
      Thomas Baker
      Ephraim Dorman Senr

      It is to be noted y' notwithstanding what is abovesaid concerning my son Nathaniells three hundred acres re- turning to his brethren in Case of his dying w'out lawfuU Issue, It is to be understood by y^ three hundred acres what he shall not see Cause to despose of before his death I hereby notwithstanding what hath been said us giving him full power in Case he see good to despose of it either in part or whole not knowing but divine providence may necessitate him thereunto, otherwise what is above written to be of full force as is expressed,
      ffrancis Pabody
    Died 19 Feb 1698 
    Probate 7 Aug 1698 
    • The Inventory of y* estate of flfrancis Pebody
      made this 20th May — 1698 —
      £ s d
      023 00 00 two oxen; at: 7/ three Cowes. at: 9/-155-00: three young cattell at: 6/
      005 10 00 sheep. 4/ — one mare and Colt — il-io — . . .
      002 04 00 chaines axes wegges —and chisells: and other iron tooles — .
      002 04 00 wearing cloaths, — . . . ...
      017 09 00 Beds and beding, 12I—napkins table cloths and other linnen at 5l-9s
      005 15 06 chests, tables, chaiers, and other lumber —. . .
      005 12 00 peuter, and brass ware —
      002 05 00 Iron ware, as pots, kettles, tramells: &c. — . .
      002 11 00 New cloth home made
      004 00 00 ten bus: of malt, 1/-155 Indian Corne: eight bus: 1I-4s. six bushells barley — 1/ 1s . . . .
      002 00 00 ffour Swine —
      200 00 00 Land given to his son John Pebody — ...
      100 00 00 Land to Joseph Pebody —
      100 00 00 Land to William Pebody —
      150 00 00 Land to Nathaniel Pebody —
      050 00 00 Land to Samson Howe —
      050 00 00 Land to Keziah & Marcie Pebody — . . . .
      160 00 00 Land and house to Jacob Pebody — . . . .
      400 00 00 the homestead to Isaac Pebody. as upland, meddow dwelling house and one barne, and mil
      044 15 00 Sillver mony
      1327 05 06 totall summ:

      William Howlett
      Daniel Redington
      Ephraim: Willds
      [On the reverse of the foregoing]
      Topsfeild y* 30* of September 1698
      An Edition to the inventory of the estate of flfrancis Pebody as doth apear on the other side of this paper
      £ s d
      09 00 00 tow oxen att —
      00 13 00 nine books —
      05 00 00 two Cowes —
      08 00 00 two oxen
      00 06 00 two lining spining wheels —
      00 06 00 two wolen spining wheels —
      19 00 00 given to y' widow two beds with the furniture — .
      01 12 00 eight yards of woll Cloath —
      00 06 00 six cushens —
      03 10 00 bed and beding given to Isaac

      Daniel Redington
      Ephraim Willdes
      Joseph Byxbe
    • He came in the Planter in 1635 when his approximate age was listed as age 21. Where and when the Planter arrived is not know but 1636 he was living in Ipswich. He may have been the son of John who came to Plymouth in or before 1636. John's will names a son ("Item I give and bequeath unto ffrancis Paybody my second son one shilling"). There is no record of any other Francis Peabody living at the time in New England. In 1640 he was listed as a proprietor of Hampton (I do not know where Hampton was but it was near Ipswich and may be what is now Hamilton). In 1642 he became a freeman there and received a share of common lands in 1645. Not much is known of his first wife except that her name was Lydia. This comes from a court record dated Nov. 4, 1645 that says "Eunice Cole is to sit in the stocks in Hampton and to make acknowledgement of her slanderous speeches concerning Susan Parkings & lidia pebodye and to pay the witnes Isaac Perkings 7d and the feas of the court." Francis was a known to be a widower and at some time married Mary Foster. Savage lists his marriage to her as being 18 May 1642. This is not possible because he was still married to Lydia at the time. In Mary Foster's will she lists Mary Peabody as being her daughter so Mary Foster must have married Francis before 1656. The first three children were Lydia's, the last seven were Mary's and the four in between can not be positively identified as children of one or the other. The marriage to Francis was probably Mary's second. There is evidence that she was married to a Daniel Wood before she married Francis. In 1649 he became one of the commissioners to try cases involving small amounts of money. In 1650 he moved back to the part of Ipswich that he had originally lived in and now was part of the town of Toppesfield. There he remained until he died in 1698. Offices he held there included select man, lieutenant of the local military company, and an honored member of the church and community.
    Person ID I872  Our Family
    Last Modified 27 Sep 2016 

    Father John Paybody,   b. England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 1667 
    Family ID F1520  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Lydia,   b. England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married Bef 1640 
     1. Lydia Peabody,   b. Abt 1640, Hampton or Ipswich, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 30 Apr 1715  (Age ~ 75 years)
     2. Capt. John Peabody,   b. Abt 1642, Hampton, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 5 Jul 1720  (Age ~ 78 years)
     3. Joseph Peabody,   b. 1644,   d. 1721  (Age 77 years)
    Last Modified 18 Dec 2016 
    Family ID F402  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Mary Foster,   b. Abt 1618, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1705  (Age ~ 87 years) 
    Married Bef 1656  [3
     1. Mary Peabody,   b. 1656
     2. Ruth Peabody,   b. 22 May 1658,   d. Bef 1698  (Age < 39 years)
     3. Damaris Peabody,   b. 21 Jan 1660,   d. 1660
     4. Samuel Peabody,   b. 4 Jan 1662,   d. 1677  (Age 14 years)
     5. Jacob Peabody,   b. 28 Jul 1664
     6. Hannah Peabody,   b. 28 May 1668,   d. 1668
     7. Nathaniel Peabody,   b. 29 Jul 1669
    Last Modified 18 Dec 2016 
    Family ID F305  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

     1. William Peabody,   b. 1646
     2. Isaac Peabody,   b. 1648
     3. Sarah Peabody,   b. 1650
     4. Hapzibah Peabody,   b. 1652
    Last Modified 18 Dec 2016 
    Family ID F1522  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 1612 - England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsImmigration - 1635 - Massachusetts Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Documents
    Francis Peabody (1602-1698)
    Francis Peabody (1602-1698)
    Copy of his will (1698)
    Francis Peabody (1612-1698)
    Francis Peabody's signature on his will

  • Sources 
    1. [S51] Peabody, Peabody Genealogy (Reliability: 0).

    2. [S136] Pierce, Foster Genealogy (Reliability: 0).

    3. [S17] Savage, First Settlers of NE (Reliability: 2).